Climate change is increasing the risk of wildfires. Depending on weather patterns, British Columbia can be impacted by smoke from wildfires not only from within B.C. but from other provinces and countries. It is important to know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the effects of wildfire smoke as it can be dangerous to our health.
Exposure to too much wildfire smoke can irritate your eyes, lungs and heart. Most symptoms are mild; however, symptoms such as severe cough, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, and racing heart may need prompt medical attention. Certain people are more at risk than others, including those with pre-existing health conditions, people who are pregnant, infants and small children, seniors, and people with a respiratory infection.
Wildfire smoke preparedness resources
The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, in collaboration with the BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres, has developed materials to promote wildfire smoke preparedness and safety in Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities.
The materials – featuring art by Moe Butterfly – provide information on how to protect yourself from wildfire smoke, where to seek support, and how to stay up to date on air quality advisories and alerts in your area.
These materials are available on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy’s website, along with other resources, and at the following links:
Receive air quality advisories and alerts
You can sign up to receive air quality advisories and alerts at the following websites:
Lower Mainland:
Outside of Lower Mainland:
To learn more about wildfire smoke and other ways to protect yourself, visit Wildfire Smoke ( and