• Benefits of creating an ESS profile online

    When the unexpected happens, like having to evacuate your home because of wildfire nearby, you may find yourself needing financial support to meet your basic needs in those first 72 […]

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    Benefits of creating an ESS profile online
  • EmergencyInfoBC.ca is your go-to source for emergency information

    Access to accurate and timely information during an emergency saves lives. We know that during a crisis, people look to multiple sources — including social networks — for information. Credible emergency information needs […]

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    EmergencyInfoBC.ca is your go-to source for emergency information
  • Insurance: Why it matters

    Whether you rent or own, insurance is one of the best ways to protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of an emergency. Having insurance in place can […]

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    Insurance: Why it matters
  • Nominations are open! Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award

    All over B.C., emergency management practitioners and volunteers dedicate themselves to protecting communities and keeping people safe during emergency incidents. Unprecedented events in recent years have tested everyone in these […]

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    Nominations are open! Emergency Management Exemplary Service Award