Emergencies can happen at any time, and it is important to be prepared. Planning ahead and being ready for an emergency is a worthwhile investment, and when done over time, can fit into most budgets. Dollar stores, garage sales, thrift stores and online marketplaces are great places to find items for your emergency kit and grab-and-go bags.
Here are some ideas to help you get prepared on a budget:
Start with the basics

Emergency plan: Making a home emergency plan is an important step to preparedness and it’s completely free! Get started with our fill-in-the-blanks plan (PDF) or interactive Emergency Ready Planner.

Food and water: Use a plastic bin or a duffel bag to keep all your emergency supplies in one place. Start with food and water, then work on adding other items over time as your budget allows. Dollar stores often carry a variety of non-perishable food items.
Check the flyers and promotions at grocery stores and other retailers for sales on flats of water, canned and other non-perishable foods.
Look around your home

Phone chargers: Before you go shopping, look around your home for extra phone chargers and cords. You might be surprised by what’s lying around.

First aid kit: Try building a first aid kit using extra items you may already have like bandages, sterile gauze pads, adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes or soap, tweezers and scissors. Check out this list from the Canadian Red Cross to help you get started.
The Canadian Red Cross has a variety of first aid kits that range in price available to purchase online.

Other small — but necessary items: For many items, visit your local dollar or thrift store to stock up. You’ll likely be able to find garbage bags, foil blankets, rain ponchos, tarps, zap straps, tissue paper, rope, utility knives, whistles, can openers, wipes and work gloves.
Keep an eye out for sales

Batteries: Look for good quality batteries with a longer shelf life; this will save money over time, or think about investing in rechargeable batteries that you can use more than once. Just remember to re-charge after using!
You don’t need to buy new stuff, just as long as it works!

Flashlights: In an emergency, you will need a reliable flashlight. Chances are you’ll be able to find one at a local thrift store or garage sale. You can also check your local online marketplace for used items that are sometimes free.

Radio: A battery-powered or hand-crank radio is important for getting timely updates during an emergency. Check thrift stores and garage sales.

Seasonal clothing: You’d be surprised how many items you already have. Dig into your closets and drawers and pull out those rarely used pieces to add to your kit. Thrift stores can be another useful resource for items like extra seasonal clothing.

Grab-and-go bag: This is a smaller version of your emergency kit that you can easily take with you if you need to leave immediately due to an emergency. Our budget-friendly advice applies to all the items you’ll need to make one for your home, vehicle and school or workplace!
If you don’t already have an extra bag or old backpack to use, visit your local thrift store and garage sale for affordable options

Have any other low-cost and budget-friendly preparedness tips? Tag us @PreparedBC on Facebook and X, and @Prepared_BC on Instagram