Spring has sprung and many of us are excited to get outside to work on our yards, visit local garden centres and start planting.
Did you know that spring garden work can reduce your wildfire risk? It’s true, even small steps can make your property more FireSmart, like:
- removing dead plants, branches and leaves
- spacing out plants and trees
- reducing the number of places embers can collect
- choosing the right plants and where to plant them
While there are no fire-proof plants, there are many that are less prone to burn and contribute to the spread of wildfire. So, how do you know which ones to choose?
It’s easy! The FireSmart Plant Program can help you find everything from flowers and grasses to hedges and trees. The fire-resistant plant tool is a hub with many options to make your yard pretty. It can even help you choose plants that:
- grow where you live
- help with conserving water
- attract bees and other pollinators!
To make it even easier, when you get to your local participating garden centre, look for items with a FireSmart plant tag.
Have a question? Send them to asklandscaping@firesmartbc.ca
Looking for more? Visit the FireSmart landscaping hub for cost-effective ideas, tips and insights.
Happy planting!