The First Nations Education Steering Committee is revising and updating the FNESC/FNSA English First Peoples 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide and invites educators to apply to be part of this process. The revision and development process will begin in July 2024 with a 3-day in-person meeting in Vancouver and it is anticipated to be completed in the fall of 2024. Revision team members will be renumerated by contract. To apply, please submit the Interest Form by Friday, May 24, 2024.
Friday May 10, 2024

For Action
British Columbia Tripartite Education Agreement (BCTEA) 2024/25 Joint First Nation Student Transportation Plan – due May 31
A reminder that BCTEA 2024/25 Joint First Nation Student Transportation Plans (Joint Plans) and BCTEA 2023/24 Revenue and Spending Reports (Reports) are due by May 31.
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Indigenous-based Gangs Panel Discussion – May 15
The Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor General (PSSG) is hosting a virtual panel discussion on Indigenous-based Gangs as part of PSSG’s erase Organized Crime and Exploitation Information and Community of Practice series. This panel builds on a previous session led by the RCMP’s Indigenous Gang Awareness Coordinator that focused on the Indigenous gang landscape in B.C. This session will explore the panelists’ experience supporting Indigenous youth targeted by and vulnerable to exploitation and organized crime, and the unique considerations and challenges of this work. The panel will be moderated by Tsnomot Dr. Brad Baker, Assistant Superintendent of Indigenous Education, with panelists including Dr. Alanaise Ferguson, Dr. Robert Henry and Richard Tatomir. Register for the panel on Wednesday, May 15, 10:30 am – 12 pm PT.
Basic Threat and Risk Assessment erase Training – Spaces Remaining
Spaces are available in the upcoming erase Basic Threat and Risk Assessment training at Corpus Christi School in Vancouver on May 22 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm PT. In this session, trainers will provide techniques for identifying and assessing individuals who engage in behaviours consistent with a threat. Trainers will also provide school safety/threat assessment teams with the tools to complete a thorough data collection, assessment, and management process. This training incorporates international best practices and evidence-based threat assessment knowledge and procedures. Registration information is available on the Safer Schools Together web page.
Reminder to Submit 2024/25 Child Care Capital Funding Requests
School districts started preparing their 2024/25 and 2025/26 capital plans for child care using the expanded Capital Asset Planning System (CAPS) on April 8, 2024. As a reminder, submissions for 2024/25 will be accepted until May 15, 2024, and submissions for 2025/26 will align with the capital planning cycle for K–12. For more information, refer to the Capital Plan instructions.
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Webinar: Involving Youth in School Food Programs
On Thursday, May 23 from 3:30-5:00 pm PT, the BC Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food is hosting a webinar to introduce McCreary Centre Society’s Youth Health Ambassador program and their work engaging peers in discussions about school food programs in B.C. Participants will learn the value of meaningful youth engagement and participation; review strategies for youth engagement in program design and implementation; discuss ideas, challenges and opportunities for engaging students in food programs; and more. Registration for this webinar is required.
May 31 Deadline for Onboarding to Education Data Exchange
All schools should be onboarded to the new Education Data Exchange (EDX) by May 31, with the exception of districts opting to centralize system usage. Ministry staff are currently following up with all EDX school district account managers to provide support if needed. Visit the EDX Info Hub for additional information, key dates, and training resources.
Save the Dates – 2024/25 All Superintendents Meetings
Please hold the dates below in your calendars for the 2024/25 All Superintendents Meetings. Location and registration details will be shared in the coming months. Contact with any questions in the meantime.
- Thursday, November 21, 2024
- Thursday, March 6, 2025 (with the Partner Liaison Meeting tentatively scheduled for March 7)
- Friday, May 2, 2025
Reminder to Verify Certificate Status
A reminder that the teachers employed by your district must hold a valid B.C. teaching certificate. Please search the online registry or use the tools in the Employers’ Area to verify that they do.
Required Documentation for New Teacher Hires
If you plan to hire new teachers for September who are not yet certified, please ensure your prospective employees submit their applications for certification and related documents to the Teacher Regulation Branch no later than June 30. An application cannot be reviewed until all outstanding documents have been received.
Bike to School Week
All schools across B.C. are encouraged to participate in a province-wide Bike to School Week between June 3-9. Bike to School Week encourages students and their parents to get out of cars and onto their bikes. By participating, you will promote physical activity and mental alertness, reduce carbon emissions, and build school spirit. Two participating schools will win $1,000 to support active transportation. Register through the GoByBikeWeek for Schools Guide and find out more information at the GoByBike BC website.

For Information
Indigenous Education Councils Funding
Changes to the School Act made through Bill 40 require that each board establish and maintain an Indigenous Education Council (IEC). Maintaining an IEC means that the school district will provide the secretariat support and fund activities and costs related to the IEC under the direction of the IEC.
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Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Preparedness Week is May 5-11 and this year’s theme is using technology before, during and after emergencies. We are entering a time of year where climate-related events and emergencies can impact schools and communities across the province. We are expecting districts will need to respond to climate-related events this upcoming season. To help with response to flooding and wildfire related evacuations, we encourage you to use the Emergency Management Planning Guide for Schools. Planning can include working with your local regional health authority and using information from the BC Centre for Disease Control and Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness websites.