In support of Education Savings Week (November 14-18), please share this letter with families/guardians of students in Kindergarten through Grade 4 to let them know their child may be eligible for a $1,200 BC Training and Education Savings Grant for their post-secondary education.
Thursday November 10, 2022

For Action
Webinars on Upcoming Changes to the Student Reporting Policy – Nov 22 and 23
BCPVPA members are encouraged to register for one of two sessions of the Student Reporting Policy Webinar hosted by the Ministry and the BC Principals and Vice Principals Association. At these November sessions, we will discuss the changes to the Student Reporting Policy that will take effect on July 1, 2023 and provide time for questions and answers.

For Information
Indigenous-Focused Grad Requirement – French Language Implementation Support Materials
The Implementation Handbook, BAA criteria, Q&A, and PowerPoint presentation for the new Indigenous-focused graduation requirement have now been translated to French. All documents, in both English and French, can be found on the Indigenous-focused Graduation Requirement web page.