Special Update – Wednesday December 7, 2022

Deputy Minister of Education and Child Care
Earlier today, Premier David Eby announced his new Cabinet at Government House. Among the many changes, Rachna Singh has been appointed as the new Minister of Education and Child Care and Grace Lore has been appointed as the new Minister of State for Child Care. These changes are effective immediately.
As Minister mandate letters become available, we will share them through the DM Bulletin.
As we begin our transition period, I would like to recognize outgoing Minister Whiteside and Minister of State Chen for the many significant contributions they’ve made over the past few years. Under Minister Whiteside’s leadership, we accomplished many important things, including responding decisively to the COVID-19 pandemic, dealing with the impact of severe weather events, making significant progress towards fulfilling our commitments in the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan, continuing to refresh our world class curriculum and assessment systems, and investing in new and modernized schools. Minister Whiteside and Minister of State Chen also led work on integrating child care into the K-12 education system, creating thousands of new child care spaces, and introducing significant child care fee reductions for B.C. families.

District Reporting Requirements
All school district reporting requirements are available in the online reporting calendar. The following reporting requirements are due to the ministry in the next few weeks:
February 28
March 3
March 7
March 27
March 28
March 31

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