Superintendents are encouraged to register for our Monthly Analytics Outreach and Information Sharing Sessions to learn about new and existing analytical products offered by the Ministry for capturing student statistics and outcomes. These sessions will make use of information which can be accessed from the new K–12 Education Data Portal. Please invite staff as you deem appropriate. A video recording of the October 27 session is also available. The next session is November 24, 2022, at 3:10 pm PDT. Please contact if you have questions.
Friday October 28, 2022

For Action
Webinar on Upcoming Changes to the Student Reporting Policy
District leaders are encouraged to register for the Student Reporting Policy Webinar hosted by the Ministry and the BC School Superintendents Association on November 15. During the webinar we will discuss the changes to the Student Reporting Policy taking effect on July 1, 2023 and provide time for questions and answers. Please invite all BCSSA members in your district to join this event.

For Information
English First Peoples 10-12 Regional Workshops
In support of the new Indigenous-focused graduation requirement, the Ministry and the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) have partnered with the BC School Superintendents Association and the Federation of Independent School Associations to schedule regional workshops during the 2022/23 school year. These workshops will be facilitated by FNESC and will support classroom teachers in exploring the English First Peoples Grade 10–12 Teacher Resource Guide. Space will be limited and registration will be managed to support equitable access across districts and schools. See the English First Peoples 10-12 Regional Workshops flyer for more information.
Framework in Action Fall Speaker Series
Please join us on November 9 for a presentation by Len Pierre on decolonizing the education system and institutionalizing Indigenous cultural safety. As an agent for change, Len leads and advises for systematic transformation in universities across North America. Registration is now open.
BC School Food Network Gathering
District and school staff and community partners are invited to the BC School Food Network Gathering in Victoria on November 9. Hosted by the B.C. Chapter of the Coalition for Healthy School Food (CHSF), this free event will bring together CHSF members, school food practitioners, supporters, and others from across B.C. to share information, discuss the future of school food programs in B.C., and enjoy a delicious student-cooked dinner.