The ministry will be hosting the Feeding Futures Fall Gathering on October 24, 2024, at the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel in Vancouver. This event will bring School Food Coordinators from school districts across the province to network and share information on school food programs. Registration for all School Food Coordinators is now open until October 11. Limited discounted hotel rates are available on the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel group booking website until October 2. Please contact if you have questions.
Friday September 6, 2024

For Action
Reporting Employment of Certificate Holders Due Oct 15
Under section 80 (Employers list) of the Teachers Act, employers are required to make a report to the Director of Certification on all B.C. certificate holders who were employed during the past academic year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024). Please ensure your report is submitted through the Employers’ Area by October 15. If you have any questions, please email the Teacher Regulation Branch at or call 236-455-1872.

For Information
Protest Monitoring
The ministry is working with Safer Schools Together to monitor planned protests throughout the province. Safer Schools Together will connect with districts and schools as planned protests are identified. Please continue to report any incidents of protests or disruptive behaviours or activities to
erase Refresh: Launch of New Website and Resources
The Ministry of Education and Child Care has refreshed the Expect Respect and a Safe Education (erase) website. Launched on Friday, September 6, the new website features a streamlined design with improved access to information and resources for students, adults, and school staff. In addition, you will find two new videos, a downloadable poster, and a QR code decal to promote erase in schools.
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Adjudication Supports for B.C. Provincial Assessments
B.C. Provincial Assessments are available in alternate formats for students with demonstrated needs in all four administration sessions. Forms to request Special Format Assessments for learners with visual impairments and accommodation forms for the French language literacy assessments can be found on the Adjudication website. For more information about the adjudication process, please refer to Chapter 2 of the Graduation Handbook of Procedures. Please contact if you have questions.
Naloxone Risk Assessment and Kits
Naloxone kits for schools can be ordered online via the Product Distribution Centre. As per the direction of the Provincial Health Officer, schools/school districts are encouraged to assess their risk using the Naloxone Risk Assessment Tool and, if advised, obtain a naloxone kit and ensure an on-site adult is trained to use it. For assistance in ordering naloxone kits, please contact PDC Customer Service.
New Suicide and Self-harm Prevention Resources for Educators
The Ministry of Children and Family Development has new suicide and self-harm prevention resources available for educators, families and caring adults. These resources aim to reduce stigma, increase mental health literacy, and build capacity to support students who are experiencing suicidal and self-harm behaviours.
For more information and to access these new resources, please visit the HealthyMindsBC website. Please note the specific educator resources on the “Are you a B.C. Educator?” box.
First Francophone Child Care Resource and Referral Centre Now in Operation
As of September 1, 2024, Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique began Francophone CCRR services throughout the province. This is B.C.’s first dedicated Francophone CCRR service provider, offering expanded services in French to support Francophone families, child care providers and the child care workforce. The provider also assists local CCRRs in supporting Francophone service users within their communities.
The ministry would like to thank everyone who has been part of this process as work begins with Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique in the years ahead.
Youth Work in Trades Redesign – Frequently Asked Questions
Ministry of Education and Child Care staff have developed an information resource for Career Program leads and educators about the transition of the Youth Work in Trades (WRK) Award to an application-based scholarship. The resource provides information regarding the eligibility of students for automatic consideration for a WRK Award, and the application requirements for students entering the WRK program in the 2024/25 school year. Please share these resources with staff and parents/caregivers. For additional assistance, please contact
Early Learning and Child Care Act and Enhanced Affordable Child Care Benefit Now in Effect
The Early Learning and Child Care Act (ELCCA) came into force on September 1, 2024. This new Act expands the purpose for which a child care grant may be paid to include establishing a child care facility, improving the inclusivity in child care for children with support needs and facilitating the design and delivery of Indigenous child care programs. In addition, regulations to support the ELCCA have been developed; the Early Learning and Child Care Regulations replace the Child Care Subsidy Regulations and provide enhanced supports to further improve the equitability and delivery of the Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB) in specific child care circumstances.
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ChildCareBC Website Update
The ChildCareBC website has been refreshed with a new look and feel to help families, child care providers and partners, and early childhood professionals easily find the information they need, when they need it.
The refreshed website improves the overall user experience by grouping information into six categories:
- ChildCareBC programs
- Information for families
- Information for partners and providers
- Support for early childhood professionals
- Communications and engagement
- Our Plan: ChildCareBC
Please note that you may need to update bookmarks to pages you frequently visit as the website structure has changed. The ChildCareBC digital team welcomes your feedback on the new design. If you have a few minutes, check out the new ChildCareBC website and provide your feedback through the redesign feedback form.