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Friday September 20, 2024

Jennifer McCrea
Acting Deputy Minister of Education and Child Care

Happy Friday, everyone. As you wrap up your second full week of school and classes are being finalized, I know many of you are looking at students who have arrived (and haven’t) and what that means at an operations and program level. The start of the year is always hectic and the surprises never stop for you.

This week’s Deputy Minister’s Bulletin includes several important announcements, such as Classroom Enhancement Fund Reporting, an updated Safe and Caring School Communities Policy, a reminder to submit your Enhancing Student Learning Report, and news about the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation. These and many other important items can be found below.

Tomorrow, as you know, marks the start of B.C.’s provincial election campaign. The operational business of government continues, and ministry staff will remain hard at work during the interregnum period to help you and your teams continue to support student success in your districts. The Deputy Minister’s Bulletin will continue as well during this period, so keep an eye on your mailbox for the next edition.

Enjoy your weekend,


For Action

For Information

  • Resignation of Commissioner for Teacher Regulation


    Resignation of Commissioner for Teacher Regulation

    Effective September 13, 2024, the Commissioner for Teacher Regulation, Ana Mohammed, has resigned from her role for personal reasons and to return to her previous consulting practice. The Ministry wants to express its appreciation to Ana for bringing to her work her experience in administrative, criminal, employment and human rights law as well as her diversity, equity and inclusion lens and her commitment to Truth and Reconciliation. Ana made a positive impact on the role in a short time and focused on ensuring a fair, timely and transparent process and increasing public confidence. Donnaree Nygard will serve as the Acting Commissioner during the recruitment process for a new Commissioner.

  • First Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding on Early Learning and Child Care for First Nations


    First Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding on Early Learning and Child Care for First Nations

    On September 12, 2024, the First Nations Leadership Council (the Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs, the First Nations Summit and the B.C. Assembly of First Nations) and the governments of British Columbia and Canada gathered to sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on early learning and child care for First Nations in British Columbia. This MOU is an important step on the path to reconciliation. The goal is to support the self-determination of First Nations in British Columbia and advance First Nations’ jurisdiction in relation to early learning and child care.

    To learn more about this historic agreement, please read the Government of Canada news release.

  • Foundry Offers PreVenture Program


    Foundry Offers PreVenture Program

    As part of its mental health and substance use service offerings, the Foundry Central Office will be engaging with school districts to share information on supports available through the PreVenture program. PreVenture uses brief, person-focused workshops to promote mental health and substance use prevention. The program aims to equip youth aged 12 to 18 with self-efficacy and cognitive behavioural skills to help them cope with challenges that many youth face, such as stress, peer pressure, interpersonal conflict and identity development. Foundry provides training and comprehensive implementation support to school staff to deliver the program in the school setting. Through this process, young people may also become aware of Foundry services available to them in British Columbia, accessing care earlier and when needed.

    Foundry has already worked with schools in several school districts over the last two years to implement the PreVenture program. There is no cost for school districts to participate. If you would like to learn more, please email or register for Foundry’s upcoming webinar on October 7.

  • Discipline Outcomes


    Discipline Outcomes

    Discipline outcomes are posted to enhance the transparency of the processes and decisions made with respect to complaints and reports about educators. Recently, an outcome was posted regarding Jeffrey Forden Mooney.