Teachers that you employ may have moved or changed their email address or phone number, but they may not have updated their contact information with the Teacher Regulation Branch. This means that they may not be receiving important information that affects the status of their teaching certificate. Please encourage your teachers to login to Your Account to update their contact information.
Friday October 27, 2023

For Action

For Information
K-12 Student Reporting Policy Information
As the first report card of the 2023/24 school year is approaching, please take note of these helpful reminders for teachers and school leaders.
- Information on writing concise descriptive feedback can be found on page 3 of the Educator Summary Guide and in greater depth in the reporting guidelines.
- Informal Learning Updates can still be provided in a variety of flexible formats, including telephone calls, conferences, or emails.
- The ministry team remains available for questions and presentation about the K-12 Student Reporting Policy implementation. Questions can be sent to student.reporting@gov.bc.ca.
Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education Award Recipients
The Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education (PAEE) took place last night in Victoria. The event was a success and a wonderful evening of celebrations. The ministry encourages you to visit the PAEE web page to watch inspiring stories of the award recipients from the education sector and share them with your colleagues.
Reminder: Mandatory Reporting to Commissioner of Teacher Regulation
Under section 16 of the School Act, superintendents are required to report to the Commissioner of Teacher Regulation all dismissals, suspensions, and disciplinary actions of a certificate holder or letter of permission holder. To avoid delays in the discipline process, please also share the reports or records with the certificate holder or letter of permission holder, as required under the Act. For questions, please email the Teacher Regulation Branch.