K-12 Student Reporting Policy implementation resources have been developed to support educators, school leaders, and district leaders. These resources include Policy Guidelines with a new comprehensive FAQ section, an Educator Summary Guide, presentation slides, information sheets, and a self-paced webinar series. Support materials for parents and caregivers that explain the shifts in how student learning will be communicated are also available. This includes a Communicating Student Learning: Information for Parents and Caregivers Package available in eight languages and a presentation from ministry staff about K-12 student reporting in B.C. We encourage you to share these resources with all staff and parents. Questions can be sent to student.reporting@gov.bc.ca.
Friday October 13, 2023

For Action
Call for Expressions of Interest: Funding Opportunity for Health Career Sampler Programming
The Ministry of Education and Child Care is seeking expressions of interest from school districts to advance new or existing career sampler programming and resources targeting in-demand, public sector health care occupations. These programs or resources must target Grade 8-12 students and showcase a range of public health care occupations. Please see this background document for more information.
School Travel Data Collection Study: Bike Walk Roll Week – Oct 16-20
All elementary and middle schools across B.C. are encouraged to participate in a province-wide count of how students are arriving (form of transportation) to school by conducting in-class hands-up surveys and entering the data into the Bike Walk Roll website between October 16-20. This process can be completed by students, teachers, or administration. The data will assist decision makers to develop programs, policies, design guidance, and infrastructure to better support safer and more sustainable school travel. For more information and resources visit the School Travel website.
Reminder: POLS’ Three-Year Plan to Support Indigenous Students – due Oct 31
Provincial Online Learning Schools (POLS-Public) are reminded to submit their Three-Year Plan for Supporting Indigenous Students to EDUC.OnlineLearning@gov.bc.ca by October 31. Details and the fillable form were sent to POLS’ superintendents and school administrators on August 10. If the school has any questions or needs another copy of the fillable form, please contact the Online Learning Team at the email address above.
Strengthening Early Years to Kindergarten Transition Project Expansion
The Ministry of Education and Child Care is expanding participation in the Strengthening Early Years to Kindergarten Transitions (SEY2KT) project which follows an inquiry-based approach to:
- identify and determine enabling conditions for smooth transitions
- engage in learning and discussions regarding social and emotional well-being and improved social-emotional outcomes for children and
- use Compassionate Systems Leadership practices to engage with their participant partners and the communities they serve
Interested districts may submit an expression of interest by November 3. For questions, email EDUC.EarlyLearning@gov.bc.ca.
2024 Provincial Scholarship Awards
The Ministry of Education and Child Care awards 13,500 scholarships to eligible graduating students annually. Please review the program summary and use this Scholarships Program infographic to help start the conversation with students, parents, and staff about this opportunity. More information can be found on the BC Achievement, District/Authority, BC Excellence, or Pathway to Teacher Education scholarship web pages. Contact scholarships@gov.bc.ca if you have questions.

For Information
Reminder: Indigenous-Focused Graduation Requirement
The Indigenous-focused graduation requirement has come into effect for the 2023/24 school year. All students working towards the B.C. Certificate of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma) – in English or French – are now required to complete the new graduation requirement, including students at B.C. certified offshore schools. Updated resources, including an Implementation Handbook, Parent Brochure (available in 8 languages), Q&A, and Board/Authority Authorized (BAA) Guidebook are available for schools, districts, students and parents. Teachers leading Indigenous-focused courses are encouraged to access the First Nations Education Steering Committee’s Teacher Resources Guides for English First Peoples 10-12 and B.C. First Peoples 12. Questions from district administrators can be directed to GradRequirements@gov.bc.ca. More information will be shared in the coming weeks regarding additional professional development support.
TRAX First Data Submission
The first TRAX data submission of the school year via the School Secure Web (including registrations for the Grade 10 and Grade 12 November Graduation Assessments) is now available.
Upcoming School-Aged Child Care Demand Parent Survey
The Ministry of Education and Child Care will conduct a parent survey this November to better understand the regional and provincial demand for school-aged child care. Schools with Kindergarten to Grade 7 students will be asked to distribute the survey to parents to help inform long-term planning and policy development for child care in B.C. Principals and school administrators will be contacted in the coming weeks with further information, including survey distribution instructions. For questions, contact ChildCareBC.Engagement@gov.bc.ca.
School Health Grant for Youth
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) will be accepting applications for the 2023 School Health Grant for Youth until October 25. This grant is an opportunity for youth across Canada (ages 13 to 19 and in grades 9 to 12) to receive up to $3500 to create and lead a project that encourages and promotes healthy living in their school. Visit the Government of Canada’s website for information.