In support of Education Savings Week 2023 (November 14 to 18), please share this letter with families/guardians of students in Kindergarten through Grade 4 to let them know their child may be eligible for a $1,200 B.C. Training and Education Savings Grant for their post-secondary education.
Friday November 10, 2023

For Action
Register for the Symposium Speaker Series: Children and Youth with Support Needs
The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) is hosting a free virtual symposium speaker series throughout November and December 2023 to inform the development of a new, effective system of services for children and youth with support needs. Registration is free and now open. If you have questions, please reach out to Holli Ward, Director of Engagement at

For Information
Applications for B.C. Excellence and Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarships Due Feb 15
Applications for the B.C. Excellence and Pathway to Teacher Education scholarships are now available on the ministry’s website and are due by February 15, 2024, 2:59 pm PST. Selected applicants must graduate and meet core eligibility and scholarship-specific requirements by August 31, 2024, to be confirmed for an award. Those students will be sent a scholarship voucher of $5,000 for tuition reimbursement at a designated post-secondary institution or B.C.-authorized trades training provider (Excellence) or an approved K–12 teaching program in B.C. (Pathway). Please contact with any questions.
Feeding Futures Fund District Final Reports
School districts will be required to complete Feeding Futures Fund Final Reports in July 2024. This report will ask for spending on School Food Programs, including:
- Use of third-party food service providers
- Food purchased and provided using district staff
- Local/B.C. food
- Other goods, services, and/or programs to feed students that are within the policy direction
- Spending to provide food security supports
- Staffing costs to directly support the provision of food programs
- Administration or overhead spending (e.g., equipment, non-food supplies)
School districts will also be asked to report on decision making processes regarding the funding, including:
- Process used to identify students in need, including students from diverse communities where equity is a consideration
- Engagement with Indigenous Education Council(s)
- Supports for First Nations students living on and off reserve and other Indigenous students
Reporting questions can be sent to Tim Jah, Director, Funding and Financial Accountability Branch.
Inclusive Education Update
The B.C. Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) has developed labour relations guidance for school districts on the implementation of the Jackson Award pertaining to class composition and has shared this information with employer representatives. Please note that this guidance only pertains to determining employer compliance with restored collective agreement class composition language. This guidance does not change any current Ministry 1701 funding designations, Individual Education Plans, supports and service allocations, or related statutory obligations. For questions relating to labour relations implications, please contact your BCPSEA district liaison. For policy questions pertaining to inclusive education and supports to students, please contact
Schools Protection Program Premiums Released for Fiscal Year 2023
The Risk Management Branch, Ministry of Finance, has released the 2023/24 premium allocations for the Schools Protection Program (SPP). A detailed breakdown is available in this SPP premiums distribution document. Further explanation of how the School Protection Premiums are developed can be found in the SPP Premiums Q&A Document.