A reminder that boards of education had until April 30 to update their school trustee code of conduct and related policies and procedures to align with the 2023 Provincial School Trustees Code of Conduct Criteria Guidelines. Districts that have not yet done so are asked to email board-approved copies of these materials to the ministry at EDUC.governance.legislation@gov.bc.ca as soon as possible or provide an update on their progress. If you require support or have questions, please send inquiries to the same address.
Friday May 3, 2024

For Action
Deadline to Complete the Student Learning Survey
The 2023/24 Student Learning Survey (SLS) will close on May 3. If your school would like to request an extension, email Educ.ReportingUnit@gov.bc.ca. You can access printable SLS summary reports for the previous year through the Reporting SharePoint for School Districts (under Standard Reports). For any questions related to the reports, email Educ.ReportingUnit@gov.bc.ca. For technical support in administering the survey, contact AWIS at 1-866-558-5339 or email support@awinfosys.com.
June 2024 Graduation Assessment Registrations – due May 23
Schools should submit registrations for the Grade 10 and Grade 12 June Graduation Assessments through a TRAX data transfer and confirm them on the School Secure Web (SSW) Online Graduation Assessment Register that is open April 29 to May 23.
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Street Data Public Learning Session
To wrap up the second year of the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning’s Data and Evidence Community of Practice with Shane Safir, current Community of Practice Members will be sharing their Street Data journeys in a learning session on May 14. District leaders are invited to attend the session from 10:45 am – 12 pm. To register, please email educ.framework@gov.bc.ca by Friday, May 10.
Changing Results for Young Children: Provincial Network Session
Changing Results for Young Children (CR4YC) is a collaborative inquiry project that strengthens learning networks between community and school educators to support social and emotional well-being in young children. Registration is now open for a virtual Provincial Networking Session on May 15 from 9 am to 12 pm PDT. Hosted by the Ministry of Education and Child Care, the theme of this session is AWE: Wisdom Begins in Wonder.
Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement
Child care providers approved to participate in the Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement (ECE-WE) may now submit monthly ECE enrolment reports using the ECE Reporting Tool for April 2024 hours worked. Payments are calculated based on the total number of hours worked each month, which is why ECE-WE is reported and paid after the end of each month.

For Information
AI Supports for Parents/Caregivers and Students
New resources are available for the education sector to support local considerations and decision-making regarding the use of AI tools in K–12 schools in B.C. The Digital literacy and the use of AI in education: supports for British Columbia schools web page now includes three student posters and a two-page informational sheet for parents and caregivers. Further resources for teachers will be added in the current school year.