The Office of the Comptroller General requires districts to provide a Management Representation Letter effective June 6, 2023 in support of the Summary Financial Statements as at March 31, 2023. See the Management Representation Letter memo for details. Please e-mail a pdf copy of the letter dated and signed June 6, 2023, to by June 7.
Friday May 26, 2023

For Action
Health Career Dual Credit Program Grants, EOIs – Due June 26
As part of the provincial Health Human Resources Strategy, the Health Career Dual Credit Expansion Project provides grants totaling $50,000 or $100,000 to help school districts and their partner post-secondary institutions develop or expand dual credit programs that are focused on health careers aligned with regional workforce demands. Please submit an expression of interest questionnaire by June 26 to be considered as a potential project site for the next two years. Email with questions or to register for an information session on June 1 at 3:30 pm PT.
Student and Family Affordability Fund Final Reporting – Due July 31
Districts are required to complete their final reporting survey for the Student and Family Affordability Fund and return it to by July 31. This is the final report of actual spending of your district’s allocation of the funding up to the end of the 2022/23 school year. Unused funds may be carried over to the 2023/24 school year and be used for the provision of school supplies. Please contact if you have any questions.

For Information
2023/2024 Operating Grant Payment Schedule
The Operating Grant Payments Schedule for the 2023/24 School Year is now available. Questions can be sent to Ameer Adam, Financial Officer, Funding and Financial Accountability Branch, at
2023/24 Management Salary Increases
The Ministry has received confirmation of funding for management salary range and performance-based increases for the 2023/24 school year. This funding has been added to the Summary of Grants to Date tables. Please contact if you have any questions.
BC Child and Youth in Care Week
The 13th annual BC Child & Youth in Care Week is from May 29-June 4. Please help promote this important event to raise awareness, shift negative perceptions, and recognize the contributions, talents, and dreams of children and youth in care. Visit the BC Child & Youth in Care Week website to learn more.
Provincial Learning Management System (LMS) Update
School districts interested in onboarding to the new provincial LMS (D2L’s Brightspace) can do so beginning in October 2023. A Ministry information session will provide an overview of how to onboard to Brightspace for K–12 use cases and Brightspace for professional development. Session date and RSVP details will follow in the DM Bulletin in the fall. Early interest in joining Cohort 5 can be directed to
May Analytics Outreach and Information Sharing Session
The video recording of this month’s Analytics Outreach and Information Sharing Session regarding the Graduation Assessment Power BI dashboard is now available. The final session for this school year is on Thursday, June 22 at 3:10 pm PT; see poster for more information. Please contact if you have any questions.
2023/24 Funding for the District Early Learning and Child Care Lead Role
Funding for the District Early Learning and Child Care Lead Role will continue into the 2023/24 school year. Additional information regarding funding agreements is forthcoming. Questions can be directed to
Family Support Institute (FSI) of BC Summer Institute on Inclusive Education
FSI is holding their “Partnerships in Inclusive Learning” conference for educators from August 21-23. This event is designed to facilitate strategic approaches to inclusion and belonging for all students in B.C. The conference includes in-person sessions at the University of British Columbia, as well as hybrid, or online only sessions. Please see BC Summer Institute Event Information and Registration web page for details. Early bird registration is open until May 31.