School districts are required to test for lead content in drinking water in their school facilities to ensure the quality meets established guidelines. If your district has yet to submit this year’s report, please complete the 2023/24 Testing Lead Content in Drinking Water of School Facilities Report (in the Publications and Resources section), then submit your report to the Capital Management Branch by March 22, as it is now overdue. Policy information is available on the Testing Lead Content in Drinking Water web page.
Friday March 15, 2024

For Action
Remit Annual Practice Fee for Certificate Holders – Due by May 15
Under section 37 (Annual practice fee) of the Teachers Act, employers are required to remit the $95 annual practice fee for certificate holders employed with the board. Please review the information in News & Notices in the Employers’ Area and follow the payroll-deduction instructions to ensure you remit the 2024/25 fees before May 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please email or call 236-455-1872.
2023/24 Student Learning Survey (SLS) Reminder
The 2023/24 Student Learning Survey is currently available through May 3, 2024. The survey is open to students in Grades 4, 7, 10, and 12, as well as parents, staff, and principals/vice-principals. To help monitor survey participation, districts can view their SLS participation rates (updated weekly) through the secure SLS Participation Dashboard within the BC K-12 Education Data Portal. The new SLS Dashboard is also available for your use. For any questions on the survey content and dashboards, contact For technical and administrative support in administering the survey, contact AWIS at 1-866-558-5339 or at
BC Council for International Education Annual Survey
School districts are encouraged to complete the BC Council for International Education (BCCIE) Annual Survey to provide feedback on the impact BCCIE has on the sector and suggestions on how BCCIE might better serve the sector going forward. The survey is expected to take approximately 5 minutes to complete and will remain open until March 21, 2024.

For Information
Preliminary Operating Grants for 2024/25 School Year
The preliminary operating grants are posted on the 2024/25 Estimated Operating Grants web page. For your information, the 2024/25 preliminary operating grants have been completed for all 60 boards of education. Total district allocations are based on estimated 2024/25 enrolments provided by boards of education and generate a provincial preliminary total of $7.079 billion.
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Curriculum and Learning Support Fund
More information is now available on the Curriculum and Learning Support Fund that will continue to be provided to districts for the 2024/25 school year. The Curriculum and Learning Support Fund (CLSF), which has been set at $5.3 million for the 2024/25 school year, will continue to be provided to assist districts with implementing initiatives as part of the provincial curriculum. The CLSF is not included in the calculation of Funding Protection, which ensures that all Boards receive the additional amount.
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Federal French OLEP Funding for 2024/25 School Year
As negotiations continue for the next Official Languages in Education Programs (OLEP) Agreement, the ministry will extend school districts’ 2023/2024 OLEP funding amounts to the 2024/2025 school year. Funding amounts and further details are available on the Funding Support under Official Languages in Education Protocol (OLEP) web page. School districts with questions pertaining to federal funding for French second language instruction can contact
Guidance for Drawing Down Remaining 2023/2024 Certificates of Approval
Districts are advised that the final draw dates for 2023/24 Certificates of Approval that expire on March 31 will be March 20 and 26. Please contact your respective Planning Officer if you are unable to draw down all 2023/24 funds by March 26, 2024.
Intimate Images Protection Act
The Intimate Images Protection Act (IIPA) provides a pathway to legal action for victims who have had their images distributed without consent. The IIPA supports a new process to have images taken down and seek damages through the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT).
A new service, the Intimate Images Protection Service, supports people who have had their intimate images shared, or threatened to be shared, without their consent. The Service provides emotional support, resources, and information about how to get intimate images removed. They can also help with applications to the Civil Resolution Tribunal or other reporting processes. More information can be found on the Take Back Your Images web page, including about requirements for youth reporting.
Basic Risk and Threat Assessment erase Training
Spaces are available in two upcoming erase Basic Risk and Threat Assessment training sessions. Training is open to Safe School Coordinators and other staff involved in supporting school safety.
- April 22 – Williams Lake
- April 25 – Invermere
In these sessions, trainers provide techniques for identifying and assessing individuals who engage in behaviours consistent with a threat. Trainers also provide School Safety/Threat Assessment teams with the tools to complete a thorough data collection, assessment, and management process. This training incorporates international best practice evidence-based threat assessment knowledge and procedures. You can find more information and register on the Safer Schools Together Basic Threat and Risk Assessment web page.
Foundry Centres Expand into New Communities
With the addition of 10 new Foundry centres, more young people will have access to healthcare services closer to home, such as primary care, counselling, early intervention, prevention, and substance use supports. These new centres are coming to Burnaby, Chilliwack, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Quesnel, Sooke-Westshore, South Surrey, Vancouver, Vanderhoof, and the West Kootenays. These communities will join the 25 others with Foundry centres that are operating or being implemented.
Statistics Canada – Research Paper Outcomes of Racialized Students
On February 28, 2024, Statistics Canada released a report titled “High School Graduation and Post-secondary enrolment of Black, Latin American and other population groups: What explains the differences?” The report links B.C. K-12 student data such as course marks and graduation to national Post Secondary Information System, Census, and tax-file data to examine differences across racial groups in education attainment and post-secondary enrolment. Results are only provided at the provincial level.