Please see this BC K-12 Climate-Related Emergency Management Support Overview for important information, contacts, and resources to support school and district planning, response, and recovery efforts for climate-related emergencies.
Friday June 9, 2023

For Action
SOGI-Inclusive Education Myth Busting
The Ministry has created a new resource for district leaders to support responses to misinformation in their communities about SOGI-Inclusive Education. Please see this SOGI-Inclusive Education Myth Busting document for more details.
TRAX Submission of June/Final School Marks – Due July 7
Schools are reminded to submit June/final course marks to TRAX by July 7 to ensure students’ transcripts are up to date for their graduation and post-secondary institution selections.
Capital Projects – Reminder of Call for Submissions
A reminder that the following capital project requests are due to the Ministry using the web-based Capital Asset Planning System (CAPS). Please refer to the Capital Plan Instructions for eligibility criteria and submission requirements.
- 2024/25 Major Capital Project Requests Call for Submissions and 10-Year Enrolment Projections (Due June 30)
Please contact your Regional Director/Planning Officer with any questions. - 2024/25 Building Envelope Program (BEP) Call for Submissions (Due June 30)
Please contact with any questions. - 2023/24 School Food Infrastructure Program (FIP) Call for Submissions (Due June 30)
Please contact with any questions. - 2024/25 Minor Capital Programs Call for Submissions (Due Sept. 30)
Please contact with any questions.
- 2024/25 Major Capital Project Requests Call for Submissions and 10-Year Enrolment Projections (Due June 30)

For Information
2023/2024 Mental Health in Schools Grants
Mental Health in Schools grant packages will be sent to school districts in early September, following a similar process to the 2022/23 grants. The grant funding will be ongoing until the 2026/27 school year to ensure continuous support for mental health and well-being initiatives. Please note there will be a new evaluation process this year, involving reporting on school district Team Priority Planning Sheets from the recent Mental Health in Schools Conference.
Decision-Making Tool for Mental Health And Substance Use
The Ministry has developed a Decision-Making Tool: Supporting Educators in Selecting Mental Health and Substance Use Resources to help educators identify appropriate and effective mental health and substance use resources for their students. This optional toolkit aligns with the co-governance model for the B.C. K-12 education system, Learning Resources Policy, curriculum, First Peoples Principles of Learning, and the Mental Health in Schools Strategy.
New Anti-Vaping Campaign Resources
The Ministry of Health’s new anti-vaping campaign is now available and includes resources and videos (A for Addiction, F for Formaldehyde, and P for Popcorn Lung) that focus on the dangers of vaping. These resources cover topics such as ingredients in vaping products, youth supports to quit or cut back and health info for youth.
Indigenous-focused Graduation Requirement, English First Peoples Workshop
A virtual English First Peoples 10-12 Pro-D workshop has been scheduled for August 25. Please share the registration details with teachers, especially those who will be teaching this course in the 2023/24 school year.
K-12 Student Reporting Webinar Series
An eight module webinar series on K-12 Student Reporting has now been released. This webinar series provides educators, school leaders, and district leaders with important information about the upcoming shifts to the K-12 Student Reporting policy that take effect July 1.
Educational Data Video Available
A new video, Using Data to Inform Decision Making, has been added to the recently refreshed Framework for Enhancing Student Learning website. This video highlights the role of educational data in district planning and reporting and introduces Microsoft Power BI.