Please remind graduating students to make their Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) selections in the StudentTranscripts Service (STS) by July 12.
(more…)Friday June 7, 2024

For Action
School Food Coordinator Drop-In Q&A Session
The School Food Programs team will be hosting a drop-in Q&A session for School Food Coordinators on Monday, June 17, from 3 pm to 4 pm. Participants can join the session directly via Zoom, where ministry staff will be available to answer questions regarding Feeding Futures.
Deadline Extended: School Onboarding to Education Data Exchange (EDX)
All schools must be onboarded to the new Education Data Exchange (EDX) by June 14, with the exception of districts opting to centralize system usage. Ministry staff are currently following up with all EDX school district account managers to provide support if needed. Visit the EDX Info Hub for additional information, key dates, and training resources.
Updated ESLR Section A Template on SharePoint
Due to an error in labelling one of the graphs (5-Year Completion Rate Dogwood Only), the Section A: Pre-Populated Data Template has been replaced in each district’s secure SharePoint site. These new files correct the error. Please use this new version for inclusion of the final 2024 Enhancing Student Learning Reports.
The updated Section A: Pre-Populated Data Template can be found in the secure SharePoint site in the following location: Home Page > District Documents > Standard_Reports > Framework_for_Enhancing_Student_Learning.
For any questions, please email

For Information
Emergency Preparedness Resources
Below are links to resources from the June 7 All Superintendents Call on emergency preparedness. Additional emergency preparedness and response resources for the K-12 and child care sectors will be shared in an information package in an upcoming Deputy Minister’s Bulletin.
- PreparedBC Extreme Heat Preparedness Guide – includes information about getting prepared for extreme heat events and what to do as temperatures rise.
- Emergency Ready Planner – an online tool to help families create a personalized emergency ready plan.
- Master of Disaster – Youth Emergency Preparedness – a free classroom program designed to help students in Grades 4-8 learn about emergency preparedness, including floods, wildfires, earthquakes, and tsunamis.
- BC Wildfire App – provides up-to-date wildfire information, helping you stay informed about wildfires and wildfire-related events and conditions across B.C.
- BC Provincial Heat Alert and Response System (BC HARS): 2024 – contains information about heat events and criteria for the two alert levels: 1) heat warning and 2) extreme heat emergency.
Dual Credit Policy Review Status Update
The feedback period for the dual credit policy discussion draft has closed. While the ministry engages in the next steps of the policy review process, the current dual credit policy will remain in place for 2024/25.
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IE Letter Grade
With final report cards approaching for the 2023/24 school year, please note key information about the IE letter grade.
The “IE” reporting symbol informs parents and caregivers when students, for various reasons, have provided insufficient evidence of learning (according to the Learning Standards of the Provincial Curriculum). The symbol indicates that the student still wants the opportunity to show further evidence of learning.
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2024 Update to Homeschooling Procedures and Guidelines Manual
The ministry has published an additional appendix to the Homeschooling Procedures and Guidelines Manual. Appendix 2: Non School-based Supports for Children and Youth provides supplementary information on non school-based supports available to children and youth (including registered homeschoolers) through other ministries. This appendix supports the clarifications already contained within the Manual. Please circulate it to homeschooling leads and as required.
Employer Health Tax Reimbursement Now Available
If you are participating in the ECE Wage Enhancement (ECE-WE) and are required to pay the Employer Health Tax (EHT), you may be eligible to receive funding support from the ministry. This reimbursement funding is available to offset any increase in the EHT you are required to pay for being part of the ECE-WE. This reimbursement ensures the amount of EHT you pay does not change due to your participation in ECE-WE. The application for the EHT Reimbursement for the 2023 tax year is now open and the deadline to apply is August 15, 2024. Visit the ECE-WE web page for more information.
Opportunity to Provide Francophone Child Care Resource and Referral Services in B.C.
An official Call for Responses (CFR) was posted on BC Bid on May 31, 2024, for organizations interested in providing Francophone support services similar to Child Care and Referral (CCRR) services throughout the province. The CFR will be accepting applications from prospective providers until July 4, 2024. CCRR centres make it easier for families to access child care by providing information, support, resources and referral services to parents and child care providers across the province.
The successful service provider will provide direct support to Francophone child care providers and families throughout B.C., and will assist all CCRR centres in delivering Francophone-specific services as required. If any potential service providers have questions on the Notice to Vendors or CFR process and how to participate, they can visit the BC Bid website, or contact at the Ministry of Citizens’ Services.
Additional Funding for Early Childhood Educators
The Province has recently announced additional funding for early childhood educators (ECE) to help recruit and retain staff in the child care sector. ECE students, including those just beginning their educational journey and those already working in the field and upgrading their credentials, will benefit from an additional $45 million for the ECE Education Support Fund. The fund, managed by Early Childhood Educators of BC (ECEBC), provides as much as $5,000 per semester for eligible ECE students. Approximately $11 million in additional funding for new and ongoing professional learning opportunities will be provided for programs, such as the ECE Peer Mentoring program and the Early Years Professional Development Bursary program.