The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC), in consultation with the Ministry of Education and Child Care and Indigenous Services Canada, has prepared a survey to evaluate the BCTEA Transportation Program. Feedback shared with FNESC will help improve the tools, information, and processes. School district responses to the survey are due to FNESC by July 14, 2023. For questions, email
Friday June 16, 2023

For Action
Summer Reporting and TRAX Data Transmission
If your school requires submission of data to TRAX for July and August 2023 course completions, please contact for further instructions.
Due June 26: Health Career Dual Credit Program Grants, EOIs
Further to the May 26th announcement regarding the Health Career Dual Credit Program opportunity, completed expression of interest questionnaires must be submitted by 11:59 pm on June 26. Selected project sites may revise and refine their programming plans later in discussion with Ministry staff. Please email for further assistance or to submit an expression of interest.
Due July 7: Final Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) Selections for 2023 Graduates
Please remind graduating students that final transcripts will be released by July 31. To ensure timely delivery to their selected PSIs, students should make their selections in the StudentTranscripts Service (STS) by July 7. See this Student Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) Selections document for more information.
K-12 Student Reporting Implementation Supports for Educators, School Leaders, Parents, and Caregivers
The following additional K-12 Student Reporting Policy implementation support materials have been released for educators, school leaders, and district leaders, as well as parents and caregivers. These resources provide key partners with important information about the upcoming shifts to the K-12 Student Reporting policy that take effect July 1, 2023. Specifically, the K-12 Student Reporting One Pager for Parents and Caregivers could be useful to share along with the end of school year report cards.
For educators, school leaders, and district leaders:
- K-12 Student Reporting Webinar Series for Educators and School Leaders
- K-12 Student Reporting Presentation for Educators and School Leaders
- K-12 Student Reporting Letter for Parents and Caregivers from School Staff
For parents and caregivers:
Framework for Enhancing Student Learning and Student Learning Survey Constructs
Please join us June 22 at 3:10 pm PT for the last Analytics Outreach and Information Sharing Session for this school year on Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) dashboard and Overview of Student Learning Survey (SLS) Constructs; see this poster for more information. The dashboard can be accessed through the BC K–12 Education Data Portal. Please contact if you have any questions.
Ministry of Education and Child Care and Sector Event Schedule for 2023/24 School Year
Please review the attached event list and hold the dates for upcoming Ministry of Education and Child Care and sector events for the 2023/24 school year. Calendar invitations for Ministry-led events will be sent soon.
BC Demographic Survey – June 16 to Sept 29
Everyone in B.C. is encouraged to take the BC Demographic Survey to help address systemic racism and improve public services. Districts are encouraged to share the survey with staff and students to help make B.C. more equitable and inclusive for everyone. For more information about the survey and other work happening under the Anti-Racism Data Act, please visit:

For Information
Release of BC Learning Pathways
Formerly referred to as updated Performance Standards, BC Learning Pathways is a series of resources that support teachers in developing student literacy and numeracy skills in all learning areas. BC Learning Pathways support teachers with planning, teaching, classroom assessment, and reporting of student learning. This release marks the beginning of Field Review, which allows educators to use the resources and provide us with feedback until January 2024. The resources can be found at
Updated Work Experience and Youth Work in Trades Program Guides
The program guides for Work Experience (WEX) and Youth Work in Trades (WRK) have been updated to reflect important policy changes and clarifications related to Work Experience programming, and the current names of the Ministry of Education and Child Care and SkilledTradesBC. Both guides have also been translated into French. More details on these changes are available in this attachment.
Provincial School Outreach Teams
Following up on the Expression of Interest opportunity regarding the new provincial School Outreach Teams, the Ministry is pleased to announce that North Vancouver School District has been selected as the host district for this program. These multi-disciplinary teams of specialists, which will be launched using a phased approach starting in fall 2023, will help build the capacity of school districts across the province to address the needs of students with disabilities. More details will be provided prior to the start of the 2023/24 school year.
Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB) Relocation
Later this month, the TRB will move from 2025 West Broadway to #201-828 8th Ave W, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E2. Other contact information will remain the same. You may wish to update your records. If you have any questions, email the Teacher Regulation Branch at
Recent Discipline Outcomes
Discipline outcomes are posted to enhance the transparency of the processes and decisions made with respect to complaints and reports about educators. Recently, an outcome was posted for Erik Rickard Leander Chadsey, who will not re-apply for or be re-issued a teaching certificate for ten years.
Request for Proposals: ERASE Student Safety Services
The Ministry is seeking a service provider to support ERASE student safety services beginning in January 2024. The scope of services include critical incident support services, subject matter expertise, an online reporting tool, and training. The opportunity is open until July 31, 2023. More information is available on BC Bid.