Please join us June 20 at 3:10 pm PT for the seventh Analytics Engagement and Information Sharing Session of the 2023/24 school year for an overview of the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning Power BI report. See the poster for more information and the registration link. Please contact if you have any questions. The recording for this session will be available on the BC K-12 Education Data Portal, under the Communications tab.
Friday June 14, 2024

For Action
Update School & District Contact Information with EDX before June 28
The ministry is requesting that schools and districts update their contact information using the Education Data Exchange (EDX) before the end of the school year. This will help familiarize staff with the revised 1601 process, now completed through EDX. For more information, visit the EDX Info Hub.
Reminder: 2025-26 Major Capital Funding Requests – Due June 30
A reminder that school districts can submit their 2025-26 Major Capital Funding Requests by June 30, using the Capital Asset Planning System (CAPS). Please refer to the Capital Plan Instructions for information and important timelines. School districts with questions about the process or capital concept development can contact their Regional Director and Planning Officer team. School districts with questions about child care operational planning and programming can contact the Child Care Development Support team at
Deadline Reminder: District/Authority Scholarship Report – Due June 30
The deadline for reporting students who have been selected locally as conditional recipients of the 2023/24 District/Authority scholarship is June 30. Instructions for how to report these students to the ministry is available on the District/Authority scholarship web page for administrators. Scholarship status is conditional, so please ensure selected students are on track to meet eligibility requirements by August 31, and that student data (including citizenship/permanent residency) is accurately reported to the ministry. Contact with any questions as you finalize your list and aim to use your full allocation.
Feeding Futures Fund and Student and Family Affordability Fund Reporting – Due July 31
School districts are required to complete the year-end financial report (downloadable .xls) for the Feeding Futures Fund and the Student and Family Affordability Fund. Completed reports must be submitted to by July 31.
Please read the instructions carefully, as the reporting template includes a report for each of the following:
- Final report of actual 2023/24 Feeding Futures expenditures
- High-level Feeding Futures spending plan for 2024/25
- Final report of actual 2023/24 Student and Family Affordability Fund expenditures
- High-level 2024/25 spending plan for unused 2023/24 Student and Family Affordability funding
Please contact if you have any questions.
Reminder: ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund is Open Until August 2
The 2024-25 ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund opened on May 15, 2024. Applications will be accepted until August 2, 2024.
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Request for Expression of Interest – Work Experience Enhancement 2024-25
The Ministry of Education and Child Care is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from school districts and independent schools to enhance and increase Work Experience (WEX) 12A/12B placements associated with Technology, Climate Change and Emergency Management, and local priorities. To apply for this initiative, please review the requirements and submit a completed application. The application submission deadline is September 13.
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Homeschooler Registration
To plan for the coming school year, schools and districts are reminded that home educators are required to register homeschoolers with a school by September 30 each year and that public schools are required under the School Act to register homeschoolers. Schools may wish to remind homeschooling families of the requirement to register in end-of-year communications. Please review the recently updated Homeschooling Procedures and Guidelines Manual for a summary of school and district responsibilities and best practices.

For Information
Emergency Management Resource Package for School Districts
The Ministry of Education and Child Care has created resources to support districts, schools, and child care facilities with emergency preparedness and recovery. The Education and Child Care Emergency Management Support Key Contacts 2024 document includes key contact information for ministry and partner staff in the event of emergency. The document is intended for school districts, independent schools, and child care facilities. The Information Package – Emergency Management 2024 document is a collection of information and resources for school administrators, independent schools, child care facilities, families, and community regarding emergency management, wildfires, heat events, mental health and well-being, financial resources, and droughts.
New Professional Learning Module Available for Education Assistants
The Support Staff Education Committee (SSEC), a joint committee made up of Union and BCPSEA representatives, has developed a free 4.5 hour online course, Inclusive Learning and Understanding Behaviour, to provide professional learning for Education Assistants working to support students with disabilities and diverse abilities.
Discipline Outcomes
Discipline outcomes are posted to enhance the transparency of the processes and decisions made with respect to complaints and reports about educators. Recently, an outcome was posted regarding Adam Guy Stanley, who agreed to a reprimand.