A new edition of Copyright Matters! is now available with important information for Canadian educators about their rights and responsibilities regarding the use of copyright-protected materials in their schools and classrooms. This edition includes new information on copyright and online learning.
Friday, January 27, 2023

For Action
Framework in Action Winter Speaker Series
Please join us on February 13 for a presentation by Victor Glickman and Todd Milford on data literacy. They will explore the knowledge, skills, and abilities involved in constructing and using student-level data and information to tell data stories. Register now to save your spot.

For Information
K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan Release
The K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan is now on the ERASE website. This is a comprehensive multi-year framework to address racism and discrimination in education and to create a culture and climate of belonging for all students, staff, and families. The development of the Action Plan has been guided by, and will continue to be informed by, rightsholders, Indigenous partners, education partners, community organizations, and students with lived and living experiences of racism.
New School-Age Child Care Fee Reductions
To ensure more families throughout B.C. are saving money on child care, fee reductions will be expanded to include children enrolled in half-day preschool programs and children in Grade 1 and up starting September 1, 2023. Families enrolled in approved Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) facilities will receive fee reductions of up to $145 per child per month. Applications will be open on January 31, 2023, for all child care providers to apply to participate in the CCFRI for the 2023-24 funding year. Facilities offering licensed preschool and care for children in Grade 1 and up are encouraged to apply early to provide child care savings to even more families by the next school year.
Announcement of Provincial Online Learning Schools
The Ministry is pleased to announce the Provincial Online Learning Schools (18 POLS-Public and 16 POLS-Independent), selected through an Expression of Interest and review panel process. Commencing July 1, 2023, Provincial Online Learning Schools will offer online learning to students across the province. District Online Learning Schools will continue to provide online learning to local students in their district. The list of POLS is available on the new Online Learning BC website, where parents and students can search for Provincial Online Learning Schools, online programs, and online courses offered at POLS. See this POLS update for more details.
Modernized Management of Student Graduation and Achievement Data
The Ministry is modernizing the management of student graduation records and achievement data. The existing Transcripts and Examination (TRAX) system is outdated and must be retired. It will be replaced in phases with a new system called Graduation Records and Achievement Data (GRAD). Learn more about the GRAD project, including Ministry plans to engage with partners starting in February.
Indigenous-Focused Graduation Requirement – French Implementation Support Materials
The Ministry has translated all implementation support materials for the new Indigenous-focused graduation requirement into French. These resources, including a brochure for parents/caregivers, a Q&A document, and an Implementation Handbook for school and district teams, can be found on the Indigenous-Focused Graduation Requirement web page. For more information, please contact the Ministry at GradRequirements@gov.bc.ca.
French Version of the K-12 Student Reporting Policy: Communicating Student Learning Guidelines
The Suivi des acquis scolaires de la maternelle à la 12e année: Principes de communication des acquis document is now available in French in the Resources section of the K-12 Student Reporting Policy Information for Educators web page. This document provides educators, school leaders, and district leaders with the key information they need to prepare their classrooms, schools, and districts for implementing the updated K-12 Student Reporting Policy in the 2023/24 school year.
Audit of Summary Financial Statements (SFS)
Please read the Summary Financial Statements letter for important information regarding the Office of the Auditor General‘s audit of the SFS and a list of school districts included in the Core and Extended audit samples. Please direct any questions you may have to Ian.Aaron@gov.bc.ca.
Mass Timber Initiative for Capital Projects
Accelerating the adoption of mass timber in public infrastructure construction continues to be a provincial priority. As such, new capital projects, including schools, will be required to consider mass timber in their design. Visit Planning and designing wood schools in British Columbia for helpful resources. The Office of Mass Timber Implementation was created by the Province to assist with this initiative. Contact your Major Capital Programs Regional Director/Planning Officer with any questions.
Analytics, Outreach, and Information Sharing Session
The video recording of this month’s Analytics, Outreach and Information Sharing Session from January 26 is now available. The next session is Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 3:10 pm PST; see the Analytics Outreach and Information Sharing Sessions poster for more information. Please contact EDUC.ReportingUnit@gov.bc.ca if you have any questions.
Due Feb. 17: National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR): Imagine a Canada Applications
The Imagine a Canada 2022-2023 program invites Canadian youth to submit their visions for reconciliation in Canada. Youth can share their vision through the Art and Essay Stream or submit a project plan for reconciliation in their community or school through the Project Stream. Select projects will be invited to participate in virtual Leadership Training exercises. A national celebration will be held to honour select projects from both streams. The deadline to apply is February 17, 2023.
University Transition Program (UTP)
UTP is a Provincial Resource Program hosted by SD#39 (Vancouver) and UBC that provides academic acceleration for gifted students in preparation for early entrance to university. Parents, educators, and students interested in the program are invited to attend an online information session on Tuesday February 7, 2023 at 6 pm PST. See the Applicants tab on the UTP website for more information.
Substance Use Decriminalization
A reminder that as of January 31, 2023, an exemption to allow for the removal of criminal penalties for possession of small amounts of illicit substances for personal use within British Columbia will come into force. The exemption does not apply to youth aged 17 and younger, possession on the premises of K–12 schools or licensed child care facilities.
Recent Discipline Outcomes
Discipline outcomes are posted to enhance the transparency of the processes and decisions made with respect to complaints and reports about educators. Recently, an outcome was posted regarding Roxann Desiree Rojas, whose certificate was suspended for one day.