Please join us January 26 at 3:10 pm PT for this month’s Analytics Outreach and Information Sharing Session on the Student Learning Survey (SLS) Dashboard, AWIS (A Willock Info Systems) reports, and SLS updates. The SLS dashboard can be accessed through the BC K–12 Education Data Portal and a copy of the SLS January 2023 newsletter can be found here. Please contact if you have any questions.
Friday, January 20, 2023

For Action
BCTEA Annual (Virtual) Meeting on Transportation to Public Schools
The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC), the Ministry of Education and Child Care, and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) invite you to register by January 31, 2023, for this year’s B.C. Tripartite Education Agreement (BCTEA) Annual (Virtual) Meeting on Transportation to Public Schools. This year’s meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 10:00 am ‑ 12:00 pm PT and will include information for the 2023/24 Joint Plan submission cycle. Please review important details for this event provided in this backgrounder.

For Information
erase Student and Family Online Sessions: Establishing Respectful Relationships and Consent in our Communities
erase is offering online interactive sessions focused on exploring consent and gender-based violence, with school-day sessions for students in Grades 8-12, and evening sessions suited for students in Grade 8 and above and their families. Led by expert trainers from Safer Schools Together, students and families will learn tips and tools to support discussions and to support positive connections. Schools and families can register online. Contact with any questions or for more information.
Expansion of Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative
Beginning Sept. 1, 2023, the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative will be expanded to include children enrolled in half-day preschool programs and children in Grade 1 and older enrolled in school-aged care programs. More information on the expansion of this initiative will be shared in next week’s DM Bulletin and on the ChildCareBC Website.