The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC), the Ministry of Education and Child Care, and Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) invite you to register by January 31, 2023, for this year’s B.C. Tripartite Education Agreement (BCTEA) Annual (Virtual) Meeting on Transportation to Public Schools on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 10:00 am ‑ 12:00 pm PT. Please review important details to this event which are attached in this backgrounder.
Friday January 06, 2023

For Action
Enrolment Estimate Collection – Due February 15
School districts are required to enter their enrolment estimates for the 2023/24, 2024/25, and 2025/26 school years on this spreadsheet and submit it to the Ministry before February 15. Further information and instructions are provided in this Enrolment Estimates for 2023/24 document. Please contact if you have any questions.
2023/24 School Calendar Submissions
The 2023/24 school calendar materials and instructions are now available.

For Information
Évaluation de littératie de la 12ᵉ année – Français langue seconde – immersion
The Grade 12 French Immersion Literacy Assessment (LTF12) will be administered for the first time in the January 2023 assessment administration session. The assessment consists of an oral component (January 16-27) and a written component (January 25). Please refer to the instructions regarding the administration of the oral component (available in French and English). Students in the French immersion program must complete this assessment to obtain a dual Dogwood, as per the BC Graduation Program Policy Guide. Questions about LTF12 can be sent to
Black Excellence Day 2023 Virtual Event
Schools and districts are invited to join the Ninandotoo Society and the Burnaby School District in celebrating Black Excellence Day on January 13 to stand in solidarity with Black Canadians and honour the rich history, contributions, achievements, and joy of Black people. Schools are welcome to participate in the day by hosting their own celebrations or registering to participate in a paid virtual event hosted by the Ninandotoo Society and District 41.
Framework in Action Winter Speaker Series
Please join us on January 25 for a presentation by Gwen Philips on the importance of measuring the quality of the environments that are central to educational success. She will share her experience of data and governance in education and health and human development, gained from working for the Ktunaxa Nation, and with the federal and provincial governments and Indigenous peoples across the country and globe. Registration is now open.
Family Connection Centres Pilot
Further to government’s announcement in November regarding services for children and youth with support needs (CYSN), the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) has released an information bulletin on a pilot of four family connection centres in different regions of the province. Additional information is available on MCFD’s CYSN website, and more information and opportunities for discussion will be provided soon.