The First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) invites educators to register for the Learning First Peoples Spring Institute at the Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel, Vancouver. Sessions include English First Peoples 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide, BC First Peoples 12 Teacher Resource Guide, and Math & Science First Peoples Teacher Resource Guides. Each session introduces resources that are informed by the First Peoples Principles of Learning and supports implementation of the new Indigenous-focused graduation requirement. To register, visit the FNESC website.
Friday February 9, 2024

For Information
School District Liaison Secondment Opportunity
The Ministry of Education and Child Care has a secondment opportunity as a School District Liaison with the MyEducation BC team. This is a full-time secondment to June 30, 2025, with an option to extend an additional 12 months.
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K–12 Student Reporting Policy Information on the F Letter Grade
Due to the recent inclusion of the F letter grade in the MyEducationBC Learning Update, there have been some questions raised about the use of F in Kindergarten to Grade 9. Please note this is not a change to the K-12 Student Reporting Policy or accompanying ministerial orders. The letter grade F — along with IE, W, and SG — has always been available for use in K–12 in very specific cases, and this is strictly a technical update within MyEducationBC. For more information, please see the K-12 Student Reporting Policy – The F Letter Grade and K-9 Reporting (PDF) under Policy Guidelines on the K-12 Student Reporting Policy Information for Educators and School Leaders web page in English and in French. Questions can be sent to
Continuous Improvement Program Communities of Practice Update
The Framework for Enhancing Student Learning’s Communities of Practice has been updated with offerings that align with areas for growth identified during the 2023 Annual Review process. These learning communities will focus on building capacity through collaboration and self-reflection on topics including continuous improvement and ongoing engagement. Updated information and details are available on the new Communities of Practice poster. Sessions are expected to begin this month. Please email if you have any questions.
Climate-Related Emergency Management Support Overview
The Emergency Management Support Overview has been updated to continue to support school and school district emergency planning, response, and recovery efforts. The document outlines current provincial resources and supports and provides contact information for assistance with specific supports during response and recovery.
Child Care Data Portal
The B.C. Child Care Data and Reports Portal has been updated with the latest data about the B.C. child care sector including spaces and facilities, supports for families, supports for child care workers, and the accelerated space creation programs. You can visit the portal for current data and reports.
Parent/Family Sessions on Youth Substance Use
The ministry, in partnership with adolescent Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Hayley Watson – Open Parachute, is hosting free virtual sessions on youth substance use for parents/guardians, caregivers and caring adults. Dr. Watson will provide valuable insights, practical tips, and resources to equip participants with the tools needed to guide their children and youth toward making positive choices when it comes to substance use.
Key takeaways for participants:
- Learn why children/teenagers are drawn to substances
- Understand what causes and maintains substance use disorder and needs
- Increase your child’s ability to make positive choices about substances
- Acquire practical conversation tools for discussing substances in the home
Choose your preferred date below and register in advance due to limited capacity. Sessions dates are:
Please share within your school community and email with any questions.
Evidence-Informed Mental Health Resources
HealthyMindsBC provides evidence-informed prevention and early intervention tools and resources, including online learning opportunities. This site is for parents, caregivers, families, educators, and other professionals to help them support the everyday mental health of children and youth. A series of courses that focus on Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators (EASE K-7 and 8-12) and Early Years are available. The newest course, Walking Alongside Youth with Anxiety (WAY), is designed to build capacity and support the foster care providers and out-of-care/kinship care providers who are caring for Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth with mild to moderate anxiety.
Copyright Obligations in the Education Sector
A reminder that copying must fall within the scope of the fair dealing exception under s. 29 of the Copyright Act. For more information, please refer to the Council of Ministers of Education’s (CMEC’s) Fair Dealing Guidelines. CMEC’s interactive Fair Dealing Decision Tool can help teachers and district staff determine if fair dealing permits classroom use of materials without getting copyright permission.