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Friday February 21, 2025

Kaye Krishna
Deputy Minister of Education and Child Care

Hello everyone, and happy Friday. Please read below to find out more details about upcoming events being held in the coming weeks. This includes details and registration information for the May 2 All Superintendents Meeting in Vancouver. The ministry has reserved a hotel block, so please book a room if you anticipate needing one. Registration is also now open for a webinar on managing and supporting youth affected by sexual exploitation. Please also find below information about Pink Shirt Day, as well as a new Power BI dashboard to support understanding mental health trends in B.C., and brand-new guidelines on how to respond to racism within your school community.

I’ve also included additional information on a few opportunities for engagement, including a survey for students on non-consensual sharing of intimate images, a monthly information sharing session for you and your staff on analytics, info sessions and a related survey on children’s health promotion for administrators, and nominations to recognize youth in care in advance of BC Child and Youth in Care Week happening in June.

Wishing you all a warm, safe weekend.


For Action

  • Analytics Engagement and Information Sharing Session


    Analytics Engagement and Information Sharing Session

    Please join us February 27 at 3:10 pm PT for the fifth Analytics Engagement and Information Sharing Session of the 2024/25 school year for an overview of the Foundation Skills Assessment Power BI report, the Future Completion file, and the new methodology for Graduation Assessments. See the poster for more information and the registration link. Please contact if you have any questions.

    The recording for this session will be available on the BC K-12 Education Data Portal, under the Communications tab.

  •  Access for the Mental Health Power BI Dashboard


     Access for the Mental Health Power BI Dashboard

    The Mental Health Power BI Dashboard will be available to all districts in March 2025.

    This is a centralized resource that includes multiple datasets (e.g., Student Learning Survey, Canadian Student Tobacco Alcohol and Drug Survey, and the British Columbia Adolescent Health Survey) that offer insights into student mental health and substance use trends in BC.

    Superintendents are requested to email with the mental health leads and safe school coordinators contact information (first name, last name, and email address) by February 28, 2025, to ensure that they have access to the Dashboard through the K-12 Data Portal. Superintendents can also change or remove Power BI users by emailing the ECC Reporting Unit to indicate their approval of any changes.

    Please contact if you have any questions related to the Mental Health Power BI Dashboard and if you have any questions related to Power BI products.

  • Registration for May 2 All Superintendents Meeting


    Registration for May 2 All Superintendents Meeting

    Registration is now open for the All Superintendents Meeting on May 2, 2025. The meeting will be held at the Coast Coal Harbour Hotel, Vancouver, B.C. Room reservations will be prioritized on a first come, first served basis and need to be reserved by March 31, 2025. 

    Please confirm registration for the meeting by Monday, March 31, 2025. The agenda will be provided closer to the date.

  • Open until March 31 – Student Survey on the Impact of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Sharing (Ages 12-18)


    Open until March 31 – Student Survey on the Impact of Non-Consensual Intimate Image Sharing (Ages 12-18)

    The Ministry of Attorney General and the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General are conducting a survey to better understand how non-consensual intimate image sharing affects youth in British Columbia. Related to the Intimate Images Protection Act, Government offers services to assist individuals whose private images or videos have been shared or threatened to be shared without their consent. They want to know if young people find these services helpful and how they may be improved in the future. 

    The deadline for the survey has been extended until March 31, 2025. This survey is open to youth in BC aged 12-18 and takes about 5-10 minutes to complete. It includes questions about sharing private images or videos without consent including images that are real, fake or artificially altered. Responses are anonymous. 

    More information on this survey, plus a link and a QR code to access it, can be found on this poster. Please share this poster broadly with your student community.

    Contact the Intimate Images Protection Service for information and help with taking non-consensual intimate images down. For immediate support, call a crisis line any time. 

  • Engagement Opportunity: Health Promotion for School-Aged Children


    Engagement Opportunity: Health Promotion for School-Aged Children

    The Ministry of Health is seeking the perspectives and experiences of education partners to support a refresh of the Healthy Schools BC (HSBC) initiative, which aims to advance the health and well-being of school-aged children in B.C.

    District-level staff and school administrators with an understanding of school-based health promotion/health education/health-education partnerships are invited to register for one of the following 90-minute sessions:

    • Tuesday, March 4, 2025, from 3:30 to 5:00 pm
    • Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 3:30 to 5:00 pm
    • Thursday, March 6, 2025, from 3:30 to 5:00 pm

    Districts are welcome to have up to three staff members attend.

    The sessions will focus on:

    • current health promotion needs of school-aged children and initiatives;
    • how the health and education sectors can collaborate in advancing the current health promotion needs of school-aged children, including roles and responsibilities; and
    • how the HSBC initiative can support the health and education sectors in advancing health promotion for school-aged children, including system alignment and effective approaches and tools.

    Email by Monday, March 3, 2025, to register. Please indicate which sessions(s) you have availability for. If unable to attend a session, we encourage those interested to complete a related survey.

For Information