Please join us February 23 at 3:10 pm PT for this month’s Analytics Outreach and Information Sharing Session on the Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) Dashboard. The dashboard can be accessed through the BC K–12 Education Data Portal. Contact if you have any questions.
Friday February 17, 2023

For Action
Introduction to Governance Virtual Orientation
The BC School Trustees Association (BCSTA) is currently offering orientation training for BC public school trustees. The second session on ethical governance and success, diversity, and strategic planning will take place on February 23, 5:00-7:00 pm PT, and senior school district staff are encouraged to attend. Registration and information about other training opportunities can be found on the BCSTA’s Virtual Orientations web page.
Due Mar. 30: Annual Lead in Water Reporting
School districts are required to test for lead content in drinking water in their school facilities to ensure the quality meets established guidelines. Please complete the 2022-23 Testing Lead Content in Drinking Water of School Facilities Report (in the Publications and Resources section) then submit your report to by March 30, 2023. Policy information is available on the Testing Lead Content in Drinking Water of School Facilities web page.
Nominate British Columbians Standing Against Racism
The nominations for the 2023 B.C. Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Awards are open until 11:59 pm PT on February 20, 2023. These awards recognize leadership, strength, and activism of individuals and organizations’ commitment to reducing barriers and eliminating racism. Schools and districts are invited to nominate an exceptional student or staff member.

For Information
Office of the Ombudsperson for BC – Resources and Webinar Invitation
Following up from Jay Chalke’s presentation on the Public Interest Disclosure Act at the All Superintendents Meeting last Thursday, the BC Public School Employers’ Association will be sending out updated documents with additional information. Look for further communications from BCPSEA coming soon. The Office of the Ombudsperson has also published an updated resource, titled Fairness by Design: An Administrative Fairness Self-Assessment Guide as well as a one-page information sheet containing additional Fairness and Education Resources. As part of the launch of this updated resource, the Office of the Ombudsperson is also hosting a webinar for public bodies on Thursday, March 16, 2023 from 10:00-11:00am PST via Zoom to provide a brief outline of the fairness standards found in the guide and how they can be applied to ensure that programs are delivered fairly. Please email if you have any questions.
Mental Health French Translations
A French translation of supports for mental health and well-being in schools, integrating-the-key-principles-infographic, and campfire-of-learning are now available on the erase website. These resources were developed with representatives from public and independent schools to support mental health and well-being in all learning environments.
Pink Shirt Day
February 22 is Pink Shirt Day in B.C. This annual event is a day to embrace inclusion, celebrate diversity, and stand-up to bullying. This year, the Government of B.C. is celebrating Pink Shirt Day with the theme “Belonging and Empowerment”. On Wednesday, February 22, wear pink to take a stand against transphobic and homophobic bullying and demonstrate our collective commitment to practising kindness and acceptance. For more information and resources, visit the erase website.