erase is providing two virtual learning sessions (Feb. 27 and Mar. 8) for parents/caring adults focused on Establishing Respectful Relationships and Consent. These sessions are best suited for parents/caring adults of students in Grade 8 and above. Please share the session schedule with your school communities.
Friday February 10, 2023

For Action
K-8 Career Exploration Project: Educator Training Session
As part of the Ministry’s new K-8 Career Exploration project, educators are invited to attend a free, virtual career exploration educator training session on Wednesday, February 15 from 3:30-4:15 pm PST. Led by Education and Employers, a UK-based charity, this session will introduce educators to tools and strategies for connecting children with role models from the world of work, including sharing existing practices from across B.C. and internationally.

For Information
New Anti-Racism Resource
An important new resource, Anti-Racism: A Guide for Teachers, is now available. Developed by a team of B.C. IBPoC educators, this guide will give B.C. teachers additional tools and strategies for including anti-racism education in their teaching practices to help foster learning through an anti-racist lens to address discrimination and celebrate diversity.
Support Staff Labour Settlement Funding
Following the ratification of the majority of Support Staff collective agreements, labour settlement funding for Support Staff, Learning Improvement Fund, CommunityLINK and Classroom Enhancement Funding has been added to the Summary of Grants to Date tables for 2022/23. Provincial Resource Programs will also receive additional funding. Please contact if you have any questions.
Digital Services Board Connections Newsletter
The Digital Services Board presents the first edition of their newsletter for superintendents and secretary-treasurers. The Digital Services Board Connections Newsletter provides updates and information as to the work being done by the Digital Services Board regarding the Digital Services Recovery Fee.
Updated Site has been refreshed. The technical platform expired, and stakeholder feedback revealed that resources can be difficult to find, so it was time for a redesign and rebuild. Besides a new technical platform and enhanced security, the website continues to provide career and labour market tools and resources to support British Columbians with education and career planning.