Starting on January 9, 2023, school districts are required to provide workforce absence reporting for Monday of each week. The Ministry is collecting this data to better understand workforce absence trends, particularly during the winter cold and flu season, to inform on going work and supports related to sector workforce planning initiatives. Districts can report using a Ministry spreadsheet (XSLX) or the web-based survey used in last year’s workforce reporting for staff absences. Reports are due by the end of day each Monday. Please contact if you have any questions about the options.
Friday December 9, 2022

For Action
erase website updated to include gender-based violence and consent information
The erase (expect respect and a safe education) website has been updated to ensure trusted information and resources are available for students, parents/caregivers and educators on consent and the prevention of gender-based violence. The information complements the recent updates to the Supporting Student Health guides and PHE curriculum elaborations. Please share updated resources with students, families/caregivers, and staff.
erase Report It Tool
erase Report It is an important tool for ensuring students or caring others can anonymously share something they’ve seen or heard that concerns them. Please continue to promote the tool to staff, students, families, and caring adults. Posters, digital ads and a QR code are available on erase Tools.
Framework in Action Virtual Learning Series
The 2023 Framework in Action Learning Series kicks off Wednesday, January 25 with a presentation by Gwen Philips on the importance of measuring the quality of the environments that are central to educational success. This virtual speaker series is being offered to sector leaders to build capacity in strategic planning and continuous improvement practices to enhance educational outcomes. Register now for the first four sessions to save your spot.
Save the Date: Mental Health in Schools Conference, May 2-3, 2023
The fourth Mental Health in Schools Conference will take place in-person in Richmond, BC on May 2-3, 2023. Registration and agenda information will be sent directly to Superintendents in early 2023 to organize district teams to attend. Please save these dates in your calendar.

For Information
K-12 Student Reporting Policy Implementation Support Documents
Three implementation support documents for the K-12 Student Reporting Policy have been released. These documents provide educators, school leaders, and district leaders with the key information they need to prepare their classrooms, schools, and districts for implementing the updated K-12 Student Reporting Policy in the 2023/24 school year.
K-12 Student Reporting Policy: Communicating Student Learning Guidelines
Criteria and Considerations for Written Reports- Considerations for Educators
Unpacking the Proficiency Scale- Support for Educators
Materials shared with School Trustees at BCSTA Fall Conference
The following resources were shared with participants at last week’s BCSTA Trustee Academy and are provided here for your reference:
Governance for Continuous Improvement of Student Learning
Progress since the Launch of ChildCareBC
Recent Discipline Outcomes
Discipline outcomes are posted to enhance the transparency of the processes and decisions made with respect to complaints and reports about educators. Recently, outcomes were posted regarding Russell Stephen Bodnar and Cindy Chi-Ching Tong. Their certificates will be suspended for one day.