The 2022/2023 Student Learning Survey (SLS) administration period has been extended to accommodate requests submitted to the Ministry. Schools can now complete the survey until 11:59 pm PT on Friday, May 12. Districts can view their SLS participation rates (updated weekly) through the SLS Participation Rate dashboard. For technical and administrative support, contact AWIS at 1-866-558-5339 or at For any questions about the survey, please email
Friday April 28, 2023

For Action
Reminder: Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education (PAEE) Nominations
Nominations for the 2023 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education (PAEE) are now being accepted until Friday, May 5. The PAEE were created to recognize the enormous contributions of B.C.’s exceptional teachers, administrators and support staff that are vital to the cultural, economic and social well-being of the province. These awards provide students, parents, teachers and other members of the community with an opportunity to celebrate those who make a positive contribution to B.C. schools. This year’s nominations need to have the support of a superintendent or a designate. Please see this letter for details.

For Information
Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA)
COLA allocations have been confirmed for the 2023/24 school year. Labour settlement funding for Teacher and Support Staff Benefit Enhancements has also been added to the Summary of Grants to Date tables. Please contact if you have any questions.
Canadian Mental Health Week May 1-7, 2023
The Ministry of Education and Child Care is recognizing Canadian Mental Health Week with the Mental Health in Schools Conference on May 2-3 in Richmond, B.C. This year’s theme is ‘Connections’ with a focus on how connections promote mental health and well-being. Schools are encouraged to sign up for Canadian Mental Health Week updates for information and access great free resources to support dialogue about mental health with the Mental Health Week School Toolkit.
Framework in Action Speaker Series: Educational Assessments
Registration is now open for the next presentation in the Framework in Action Speaker Series on May 3. In this presentation, The Challenges of Educational Assessment, Charles Ungerleider will help trustees and superintendents better understand the purpose of educational assessment, what classroom and large-scale assessments are, and the evolution of assessments.
Rescheduled: Framework in Action Spring Speaker Session
The April 18 Framework in Action Speaker Session with Klarka Zeman and Laura Gibson, analysts from the Canadian Centre for Education Statistics at Statistics Canada, has been rescheduled to May 10. This presentation will explore the use of data to tell a story, understanding data, and research on data for Indigenous children, children and youth in care and children with disabilities or diverse abilities. Registration is now open. Please note this is a new registration link; if you registered previously, you will need to do so again.
April Analytics, Outreach, and Information Sharing Session
The video recording of this month’s Analytics, Outreach and Information Sharing Session regarding the Post-Secondary Institutions transition dashboard is now available. The next session is Thursday, May 25 at 3:10 pm PST; see this poster for more information. Please contact if you have any questions.
Date Set for Phase One Launch of TRAX to GRAD Modernization Project
Initial system updates are scheduled to go live the afternoon of Sunday, May 7. These preliminary backend changes will improve transcript templates and school reports and allow for the nightly calculation of student graduation status. Visit the TRAX to GRAD info hub to learn more and to access resource materials.
Teacher Regulation Branch Relocation
In late June 2023, the TRB will move from 2025 West Broadway to #201-828 8th Ave W, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E2. Other contact information will remain the same. You may wish to update your records. If you have any questions, email the Teacher Regulation Branch at