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Help Shape the Future of Student Financial Support for Post-Secondary Education

High school teachers and counsellors play a pivotal role in helping students explore funding options for post-secondary education. To better support these efforts, the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills (PSFS) is conducting a user research project to improve the digital services available on websites such as StudentAidBC, and EducationPlannerBC.  

Teachers and counsellors who are interested in participating in this project can sign up for a 60-minute online user session. The session will involve a combination of interviews and usability testing. Participants will share their experiences with current resources and provide feedback on potential improvements. Participants will each receive a $50 gift card upon completing the user research session.   

With input from teachers and counselors, PSFS hopes to create more user-friendly, effective tools to support students as they navigate financial planning and funding for their post-secondary education.