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Emergency Resources for Child Care Centres

Recently, parts of the Lower Mainland and communities in BC have experienced significant flooding due to the atmospheric river weather event. To support child care providers and families, there are programs available should a child care centre be impacted by flooding or any major emergency.

Child care facilities impacted by major emergencies may be eligible for assistance through the ChildCareBC Maintenance Fund. The ChildCareBC Maintenance Fund helps licensed child care facilities in emergency circumstances, defined as sudden and unexpected conditions that directly impact children’s health and safety or may result in immediate facility closure. Please visit the Maintenance Fund web page for more information or to apply. Providers can also contact the ministry for help by calling 1-888-338-6622 and selecting option 5.

In addition, Child Care Operating Funding (CCOF) base funding may be paid when a facility is temporarily closed due to an emergency. To report an emergency closure and request funding, please email In the email, please include the facility name, facility ID (e.g., F/G-XXXXX-XXXXX), closure date, (expected) reopen date, reasons for closure, and the type of funding being requested. For more information on your centre’s eligibility or to report an emergency closure, providers can reach the ministry at 1-888-338-6622, selecting option 2.

If a facility continues to charge parent fees and pay staff wages during a temporary closure, access to the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) and Early Childhood Educator Wage Enhancement (ECE-WE) may be available with ministry approval.

Providers participating in the $10 a Day ChildCareBC program will also continue to receive regular operational funding for up to 14 calendar days and may receive additional funding for longer periods during emergency closures. For more information or to report an emergency closure, $10 a Day ChildCareBC providers can reach the ministry at 1-888-338-6622, selecting option 7.

If you are supporting staff, families and children experiencing disruption or anxiety related to natural disasters such as flooding, the following resources are available:

For the most up to date information on local circumstances and emergency status, consult the following resources:

For any additional inquires, the ministry is available with email and phone support and can be reached at:

  • Phone: 1-888-338-6622 (toll free). Specific programs can be reached at the options below: 
    • Option 1 – Affordable Child Care Benefit;
    • Option 2 – Child Care Operating Funding (Base Funding, Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative, ECE Wage Enhancement);
    • Option 3 – Early Childhood Educator Registry; 
    • Option 4 – Child Care Resource and Referral; 
    • Option 5 – Child Care Capital Funding (New Spaces Fund, Maintenance Fund, Start-Up Grants); and
    • Option 7 – $10 a Day ChildCareBC Centres.