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Change in December Recalculated Operating Grant Announcement Timing

Recalculated operating grants for the 2024/25 school year will be announced by the ministry in January instead of the usual mid-December timeline.

This change in timing is a result of the recent election and formation of the incoming government, which has impacted Treasury Board timelines. The ministry requires a Treasury Board decision on the request for 2024/25 operating funding actuals before making an announcement to school districts.

The ministry understands the importance of this announcement to the sector and is working with government colleagues to prioritize a decision for as early as possible in January. The ministry will provide an update on timing as soon as information is available.

Ministry staff recognize that boards are required to submit an amended annual budget within 60 days from the date of the minister’s order of the recalculated grant per section 113 (2)(b) of the School Act. More details will follow in the Amended Annual Budget Instructions when they are posted in January at the same time as the funding announcement (the timing of which is to be confirmed).

The ministry is providing this update as early as possible so that school districts have some ability to adjust their internal timelines.