PRINCE GEORGE – The Prince George Fire Centre (PGFC) and the Robson Valley Fire Zone received several reports of a wildfire southwest of Valemount late last night and early this morning. Photos submitted alongside phone reports showed what looked to be a column of smoke originating from the mountainside. BC Wildfire Service response officers completed a reconnaissance flight of the area this morning and no wildfires were detected.
According to PGFC’s fire weather forecaster, what looked to be a column of smoke was likely the result of a weather phenomenon known as “shearing”. Storms originating from the Kamloops and Cariboo Fire Centres over Wells Gray Provincial Park were forced upwards by the steep mountainous terrain south of Valemount. Once the storm cloud reached a certain altitude, strong winds aloft sheared the storm, blowing the tops of the cloud in the direct of the flow aloft. This shearing effect combined with rain produced a visual that very closely resembled that of a smoke column from an active wildfire.
The BC Wildfire Service’s greatest asset in fire detection is you. We thank those who took the time to report this event last night. Over 40% of wildfires are detected by the general public. Early detection is crucial for initial attack success and we want to thank the public for continuing to support us with detection efforts.
Thunderstorms accompanied by lightning and strong winds are expected to continue across the Prince George Fire Centre today, which may lead to new wildfire starts. We are asking the public to continue reporting any sign of a wildfire to 1 800 663-5555, *5555 on cell phones, or through the BC Wildfire Service Mobile App which can be downloaded to mobile phones free on all iOS (Apple) and Android devices in your app store. If you use the mobile app for your report, please add a photo to help our response team understand what you are observing.

Prince George Fire Centre Information Team
BC Wildfire Service
Ministry of Forests
(250) 561-4629
Connect with the Province of B.C. at