Since April 1, 2023, 1,754 wildfires have burned about 1.58 million hectares of land in B.C. There are currently 397 active fires burning across the province.
Cooler weather and precipitation continue to dampen fire activity in many regions of the province today. The prevailing pattern is expected to continue until the weekend when an offshore ridge will build towards the coast bringing higher temperatures to the Interior and coastal regions.
There are number of evacuation orders and alerts in response to wildfires in B.C. For a summary of active wildfire evacuation notices, please visit EmergencyInfoBC.
Kamloops Fire Centre
Casper Creek (K71535)
Downton Lake (K71649)
Rossmoore Lake (K22024)
Lower East Adams (K21620)
Bush Creek East (K21633)
Stein Mountain (K71634)
Southeast Fire Centre
Lladnar Creek (N12046)
Horsethief Creek (N22243)
Coastal Fire Centre
Young Creek (VA1735)
Prince George Fire Centre
Great Beaver Lake (G51279)
Greer Creek (G41511)

The next Provincial Wildfire Status Update will be be provided on August 14, 2023.
How does Structure Protection work?
When a wildfire presents an imminent threat to structures, such as homes, BC Wildfire Service’s Structure Protection Specialists will assess the structures to determine how defendable they are. A defensible home has good FireSmart principles applied to the structure and surrounding area.
It’s more likely that an SPU will be set up on a structure if it is on a property that has been “FireSmarted.” If a structure and the surrounding property are FireSmart, it will take less time to set up the necessary sprinklers to cover the structure.