Downton Lake wildfire Area Restriction extended

LILLOOET – The BC Wildfire Service has extended the Area Restriction Order for the vicinity of the Downton Lake (K71649) wildfire, located West of Gun Lake in the Lillooet zone of the Kamloops Fire Centre. This Restriction took effect on Aug 16, 2023, at 8 a.m. (PDT) and remains in effect until 12 p.m. (PDT) on Sept 8, 2023, or until rescinded. The order applies to Crown land within the geographic boundaries described below and outlined in the provided map here.

This area restriction reflects the need to protect the public in areas where fire suppression activities are taking place.

Under this Order and section 11(2) of the Wildfire Act, a person must not remain in or enter the restricted area unless the person is:

(a) Travelling as a person acting in an official capacity;
(b) Travelling for the purpose of supporting wildfire suppression activities;
(c) Travelling to or from his or her principal residence, that is not under an evacuation order;
(d) Travelling to or from his or her private or leased property for the purposes of accessing his or her secondary residence or recreational property, that is not under an evacuation order; or
(e) Using a highway as defined in the Highway Act.

Area Restriction Order details:

This Order applies to Crown land within the geographic boundaries described below and as outlined in the heavy black dashed and shaded grey line on the attached map:

  • East Boundary: Commencing at Coordinate 1 (50° 53.797′, -122° 51.154′) at the intersection of Slim Creek FSR and Permit Road Slim.22, follow Slim Creek FSR southerly and easterly to the intersection of Slim Creek FSR and Gun Lake West Road (Coordinate 2: 50° 53.412′, -122° 50.425′). From Coordinate 2, continue in a southerly and westerly direction along Gun Lake West Road to Coordinate 3 (50° 50.334′, -122° 54.031′) located on the northerly natural boundary of Lajoie Lake. Follow the natural boundary of Lajoie Lake to Coordinate 4 (50° 50.122′, -122° 54.602′) at the most southeastern corner of PID 010934260. Then, follow the cadastral boundaries (southern boundary of PID 010934260; western boundaries of PID 013488708, PID 013488716, PID 013488783, and PID 013488724) to Coordinate 5 (50° 49.470′, -122° 54.977′) at the intersection of the natural boundary of Downton Lake.
  • South Boundary: Commencing at Coordinate 5 follow the northern natural boundary of Downton Lake, Westerly, to Coordinate 6 (50° 51.021′, -123° 0.511′) at the intersection of the natural boundary of Downton Lake and Unnamed Creek.
  • West Boundary: From Coordinate 6, follow the unnamed creek to Coordinate 7 (50° 51.767′, -123° 0.448′) at the intersection of two unnamed creeks. Follow the unnamed creek upslope in a northerly direction to Coordinate 8 (50° 52.676′, -122° 59.620′) at the height of land. Continue in a Northeasterly direction at a bearing of 18.65° for 2337 meters to Coordinate 9 (50° 53.027′, -122° 57.705′), then continue in a Northeasterly direction along the height of land until the intersection with Gun Creek (Coordinate 10: 50° 54.757′, -122° 55.374′).
  • North Boundary: Commencing at Coordinate 10, follow Gun Creek, in an Easterly direction, to Coordinate K (50° 54.144′, -122° 51.130′), then proceed due south to the point of commencement at Point 1.

The BC Wildfire Service reminds the public that although access to a private residence is permitted, the public must stay out of active fire areas. Public interference has a direct impact on the effectiveness of fire suppression activities and poses safety risks to both the public and responders who are working to contain the fire.

Failure to comply with Section 11 restricted area requirements may result in a violation ticket of $1,150.

Road closures and area restrictions are subject to change depending on fire activity. For the most current information please visit the bans and restrictions section of the BC Wildfire website for the Kamloops Fire Centre.

People can follow the latest wildfire news:


Bendor Complex Information Officer
BC Wildfire Service
250 554-7178