Area Restriction in effect for Deep Creek wildfire (R11930)

SMITHERS – The BC Wildfire Service is implementing an Area Restriction Order for the vicinity of Deep Creek, on the east side of Babine Lake, around Deep Creek wildfire (R11930). The size of the Area Restriction reflects the continued need to protect the public and first responders in areas where there are ongoing fire suppression activities.

This Order is effective immediately and will remain in effect until Sept. 13, 2024 at 12 p.m. (noon), or until the Order is rescinded.

This Area Restriction Order applies to crown land within the geographic boundaries as outlined in the map below and in the description that follows.

Northeastern Boundary:

  • Commencing at Point A, 54° 39.744′ -125° 35.165′, at the junction of permit road R03431 6A; follow the southerly Right of Way of permit roads A18169 CP 87 BLK 50, R22169 AG, R03431 Section A, Cunningham Forest Service Road south, to the junction of Portage Forest Service Road at Point B, 54° 33.194′ -125° 8.641′.

Eastern Boundary:

  • From Point B, follow the western Right of Way of Cunningham Forest Service Road until reaching the junction with permit road R22066 Section 1 road at Point C, 54° 31.239′ -125° 7.545′.
  • From Point C, follow along permit road R22066 Section 1 until reaching the junction with R22066 Section 15 at Point D, 54° 30.773′ -125° 9.011′.
  • From Point D, follow a bearing of 198.48 degrees for 3168.7 metres to the southeastern corner of District Lot 1873 described the East ½ of District Lot 1873 Range 5 Coast boundary which is Point E, 54° 29.153′ -125° 9.941′.

Southwestern Boundary:

  • From Point E, follow the cadastral boundaries until converging with the natural boundary of Lake Babine at Point F, 54° 29.225′ -125° 11.408′.
  • From Point F, follow the natural boundary of Lake Babine until reaching Point G, 54° 37.131′ -125° 47.851′.
  • From Point G, follow permit road R16857 Section NOR1207 north until reaching the junction of permit road R10010 Section 62 at Point H, 54° 37.546′ -125° 47.209′.

Northern Boundary:

  • From Point H, follow permit road R10010 Section 62 and Section 64 until reaching the junction with permit road R10010 Section 352 at Point I, 54° 39.476′ -125° 39.972′.
  • From Point I, follow permit road R10010 Section 352 travelling to the termination point of permit road R10010 Section 352 at Point J, 54° 39.591′ -125° 38.020′.
  • From Point J, follow a bearing of 84.32 degrees for 2849.6 metres to reach the termination of permit road R03431 Section 6A at Point K, 54° 39.742′ -125° 35.383′.
  • From Point K, follow permit road R03431 Section 6A until the junction with permit road A18169 CP 87 BLK 50 at Point A, 54° 39.744′ -125° 35.165′.

Under this Order and section 11(2) of the Wildfire Act, a person must not remain in or enter the Restricted Area without the prior written authorization of an official designated for the purposes of the Wildfire Act, unless the person enters the area only in the course of:

(a) Travelling as a person acting in an official capacity; or
(b) Traveling for the purpose of supporting wildfire suppression activities.

Area restrictions are subject to change depending on fire activity. For the most current information please visit the bans and restrictions section of the BC Wildfire Service website for the Northwest Fire Centre.

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Northwest Fire Centre
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